Nicole Baumgartner

Paralegal/Case Process Manager

Nicole is our Case Process Manager and paralegal. One of her responsibilities is to ensure that our case processes are consistent and makes sense internally and externally. We are committed to making the experience of working at and working with Clark Lau LLC an excellent one; Nicole is playing a key role in making that happen. She is a graduate of Johns Hopkins University where she majored in International Studies with a concentration in Latin America. In Baltimore, she was immersed in the education field as a special educator and art technology teacher. In many cases, she taught students whose families were going through the immigration process. Nicole has always been personally invested in the U.S. immigration system, as her Peruvian mother, aunt, and cousin became naturalized U.S. citizens. In her free time, she enjoys taking pictures of nature and her loved ones as well as writing poetry.


Daniel L. Carpenter
Magaly Rojas Cheng
Stephen F. Dunne
Lina Gomes
Vincent W. Lau
Eric F. Lockwood
Molly P. O'Shea
Mi-Rang Yoon
Steven A. Clark
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